ARITH-2024 in Málaga Call for Participation


31st IEEE International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH 2024)

        June 10-12, 2024, Málaga, Spain

Call for Participation


Computer arithmetic has always been at the core of the digital age and is currently driving innovation in domains such as artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, signal processing, and security. Since 1969, the ARITH symposia have served as the premier conference for presenting the latest research in computer arithmetic.

The 31th edition of the symposium, ARITH 2024, will be held in Málaga, Spain, with in-person attendance and presentation of research results and keynote talks.

Registration and program

Registration is mandatory and open at

Early registration rates are available until May 15th, 2024.

The program is available on the conference website, at

Keynote Speakers

This year we are delighted to announce two keynotes on computer arithmetic for machine learning:

–“Report from IEEE WG P3109: Arithmetic Formats for Machine Learning”

Dr Andrew Fitzgibbon, Co-editor P3109 Working Documents

–“Computer Arithmetic for ML: The Large and the Small”

Norman P. Jouppi, Google VP and Engineering Fellow.

Conference Sessions

ARITH 2024 hosts conference papers describing recent scientific advances related to computer arithmetic. This year, sessions span two days and a half and include academic and industrial contributions for arithmetic operators, arithmetic for cryptography, error analysis, function approximation, alternative formats, math tools, libraries and Software evaluation.


The conference will take place at the School of Industrial Engineering, University of Malaga, in Málaga, Spain.  Participate in enriching discussions and networking opportunities, while experiencing this Mediterranean paradise. Discover the hidden treasures of Malaga’s historic streets, its museums, and beaches, and enjoy its delectable cuisine. Join us for ARITH2024, in the heart of Spain’s enchanting Costa del Sol. 

For your convenience, ARITH 2024 reserved rooms at a competitive rate in several hotels, please use the hotel booking link for reservations. However, any hotel close to a metro station is recommended. Further details about the venue and accommodations may be found at:

We are looking forward to seeing you at ARITH 2024 in Malaga, Spain, in June this year. Please forward this message to others who might be interested and are not aware of this.

Thank you,

Julio Villalba and Javier Hormigo, General Chairs, on behalf of the Organizing Committee


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